Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Wednesday, September 4 Welcome to Senior Journalism

                        Welcome to Senior Journalism 
The senior journalism groups this year will be called the 
A cub reporter is a term for a novice reporter or trainee. The term was coined about 1900.

Your go to place for all information is the class blog:

In class today: overview of class topics
                         what's happening in the world (CNN)\                                   Getting to know you

Coming up: criteria sheets will be reviewed tomorrow. 

               Some topics that will be covered in the course
  The role of the press in society
  news sources
  Understanding the First Amendment
  Applying the First Amendment
  Exploring our biases
  The many facets of the history of journalism
     (research/ presentation)
What is news
 The components of a news article and how to write one
      your own and from reporter's notes / headlines
letters to the editors/ editorials
  interviews....types and questions
 Satire / cartoons
 Advertising / marketing

   What is news

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