Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Hello Poland, Thursday, June 17

 American Holidays

October 31  Halloween

Jack O' Lantern            

Trick or Treat                    




Haunted houses         

Haunted Hayrides   

Corn Mazes

Some beautiful natural sites in the United States

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Hello Poland Wednesday, June 16

 Hi, my name is Ms. Parker. Thank you for letting me spend some time with you.

First, lets take a look at where we are this morning.

Below you can see a map of the the United States and Europe. 

I live in Upstate New York, which is very different that living in New York City. 


Below is a map of New York State.

Can you find Lake Ontario on the map? Lake Ontario is one of the five Great Lakes in the United States.

Next, can you find the city of Rochester, New York? This is where I teach.

A little bit about me. I am not from Rochester, New York, but grew up near the Boston area, along the East Coast. Just like places in Poland, this region of the United States has both similarities and differences to other areas of the country.

Can you find Boston on the map?

From looking at the location of the city, what do you think I enjoy doing?

What do you think are foods I like to eat?

If you look below, there is an image of Rochester, New York, which, again is located on Lake Ontario.

My school is called the School of the Arts. My students are 15 to 18 years old.

What do you think my school is like?

How is your school different than mine?

I actually commute about ten miles -not kilometres. The United States, as well Liberia and Myanmar, use the imperial system, whereas the rest of the world uses kilometres.

My home is on the Erie Canal in the town of Fairport.

Can you find Fairport on the map?

Here is a picture of my town. The Erie Canal flows through the center of my village. This is where Iwalk, bicycle and, as you can see from the photo, kayak.

Let's hear about some of your interests.

Here is a picture of my town. The Erie Canal flows through the center of my village. This is where Iwalk, bicycle and, as you can see from the photo, kayak.

Let's hear about some of your interests.